Exeter HMO Property Investment


Market Driven HMO Acquisition and HMO Investment Advice

At A&K Property Solutions, we specialize in guiding our clients through the lucrative market of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) in Exeter. Whether you're an experienced investor or venturing into property investments for the first time, our dedicated team ensures that you make informed decisions backed by comprehensive and current market data.

Why Invest in Exeter HMOs?

Exeter, a city rich in history and academic prestige, offers a dynamic rental market, driven largely by its growing student population and young professionals. This demographic trend provides a steady demand for quality HMOs, making Exeter a prime location for property investors seeking robust returns.

A row of red brick Exeter Student HMO's
A row of red brick Exeter Student HMO's

We pride ourselves on our thorough understanding of the Exeter property market. Our team performs detailed market analyses on a monthly basis, ensuring that all advice we provide is based on the most current data available. This rigorous approach allows us to identify trends and opportunities that are most beneficial for our clients..

Strategic Positioning:

Location is key in Exeter HMO property investment. We focus on HMOs that are well-positioned in desirable areas of Exeter, close to the university, major employers, and local amenities. This strategic positioning ensures high occupancy rates and optimal rental yields.

Our Expertise At Your Service

a street of Exeter HMO's with cars parked along it
a street of Exeter HMO's with cars parked along it

Article 4 Direction

What is an Article 4 Directive?

An Article 4 Directive is a planning control implemented by local councils aimed at managing the number of HMOs in a given area. The directive specifically affects properties classified as Class C3 (single person or single household dwellings) and Class C4 (houses shared by 3-6 unrelated individuals).

How Does It Affect HMO Property Investing?

Under the Article 4 Directive, converting a Class C3 property into a Class C4 HMO is no longer a permitted development right. Meaning in most cases, you need to go through a full planning permission application.

Exeter's Article 4 Directive

The Exeter Article 4 Directive first came into effect on December 31, 2011. Its primary purpose was to manage the spread and development of HMOs in specific areas of the city.

The introduction of this directive aimed to balance community needs with housing demands, ensuring that residential areas did not become overly concentrated with HMOs.

However, over the years, the growth of HMOs has substantially increased, stretching beyond the originally designated areas. Leading to Exeter City Council (from December 23rd, 2024) expanding the Article 4 directive area as shown by the green highlighted zone in the map.

For more details on Exeter City Council's Article 4, please CLICK HERE

A map showing the most up to date Exeter Article 4 direction
A map showing the most up to date Exeter Article 4 direction
A map of Exeter with a green cross overlaid to highlight Exeter Article 4 directive
A map of Exeter with a green cross overlaid to highlight Exeter Article 4 directive

Exeter HMO Minimum Room Sizes

From October 1, 2018, HMO licences include strict conditions on minimum room sizes to ensure adequate living space:

A room used by one person over 10 years must be at least 6.51 square meters.

A room used by two people over 10 years should be no smaller than 10.22 square meters.

Operating an HMO without a licence, or not adhering to licensing requirements, is a criminal offence. Mandatory licensing is essential for all HMOs housing FIVE or MORE people from two or more different households, regardless of the property's storeys. This includes some flats above shops if they house five or more people from multiple households.

For more details on Exeter City Council's HMO Licensing requirements, please CLICK HERE

Exeter HMO Licensing

An image showing a checklist for Exeter City Councils HMO licensing requirements
An image showing a checklist for Exeter City Councils HMO licensing requirements

Exeter HMO Management

Thrice Property Solutions

At A&K Property Solutions, we commit to managing properties to world-class standards. We understand the importance of ensuring that every aspect of operations contributes to tenant satisfaction and adheres to the strictest legal compliance. Our management partners Thrice Property Solutions is a testament to this commitment.

Our relationship with Thrice Property Solutions has grown from strength to strength. We have had the privilege of witnessing their property management policies and procedures first-hand, and we can confidently say that their dedication to excellence is unmatched.

Thrice Property Solutions excels in managing HMOs with a focus on maintaining high standards and ensuring a seamless experience for both property owners and tenants. Their proactive approach to management helps in resolving issues efficiently and maintaining properties in excellent condition.

If you are looking for exceptional HMO management, we highly recommend getting in touch with Thrice Property Solutions.

For more details on Thrice Property Solutions please CLICK HERE

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